Select at least 1 coin below to view its historical profitability!
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Historical Profitability Help
This graph shows how much profit per day the selected hardware would have earned mining the selected coins previously. The profit is calculated on the assumption that the miner converted their coins to fiat currency (USD) instantly after mining them.
How can I use this?
This can be used to determine which coin you should be mining with your given hardware. Sometimes a coin will have a short spike in profitability. Looking at this chart will help you determine if it will continue being the best coin to mine.
For this hardware ETH is rarely more profitable than ZEC. Therefore it is better to mine ZEC.
Hardware Help
This utility calculates how much money you would earn from mining different coins with your specific hardware. This information lets you decide which coin would be most profitable to mine.
You can choose from a number of listed video cards, or choose to enter your own hashrate information. To enter your own information, choose "Custom" from the "Hardware" Selection Menu or expand the "Enter Your Hashrate Information" panel and start entering your information.
Where can I find the details of the video cards listed?